Home Health and Fitness Men Listen Up: Exercise Makes Your Chest Like A Brick Wall

Men Listen Up: Exercise Makes Your Chest Like A Brick Wall


Ok men, listen up: is not it about time you stopped drag your feet, and started devoting and giving yourself to a chest workout that actually works? Even as your lower body may look like a Titan’s and your biceps have become something to gloat about, it is time to get a chest like a brick wall and when you apply these three exercises to your weekly routine, it is never been easier to accomplish that goal.

Start With the Classic Chest Exercise:

One of the best ways (and most effective, we might add) to build muscle is by doing the classic bench press. Just think about it: when you are lying down on your back on a bench and lifting the barbell up, you have got yourself in a power stance. It is also a much easier position to be in when you want to move and control the weight. A tip that works: by varying the width of your grip, you can strengthen various muscles in your chest, and keep yourself from plateauing.

Chest Press Machine   wesellgyms

Chest Press Machine:

Subsequent the chest barbell exercise, head over to the seated chest press. The fact is, it is a great way to slow down the speed of your repetitions, as well as doing quick drop sets. While you won’t be utilizing as many muscle groups when you push as when you are lifting with the barbell chest exercise, what you will be doing is increasing your specs thanks to this targeting exercise which will help you land you those specs you want in a shorter period of time. In addition, if you are actually looking to enhance your muscle mass, include this exercise towards the end of your workout, and adjust the angle of the bench. When you vary the angle in which you are pushing and lifting, you can become ripped in no time at all and build one of the most important areas of your body you want to show off!

The Ultimate Finisher:

If you have a weak chest, you can build up to the chest dip gradually, and if you are already strong in the chest, it is the perfect finisher to a hardcore workout that promotes immediate results.  No matter what your fitness level is, the key to this exercise is making sure your legs are behind you, let your elbows extend as much as possible when you dip, and that you lunge forward. End it with pair rounds of push-ups, and as you feel the burn, enjoy feeling like a million bucks, too.

Be conscious about your health and judge yourself where you stand right now. It is not too late; take a step regarding your health matters and also involve exercises in your life which are really very important because obesity is the initial step to many diseases. So, find a fitness center near your area, which is operating under the supervision of experts.


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